Looking for Snow.

In landscape photography we have different times of the year, spring, summer, autumn and winter. Each one of them has its own special charm and each photographer will choose one or the other for different reasons such as colour, warmth or coldness, even both using something we know as the colour wheel.

One of the most important thing is the composition and what we want to convey with the use of colours in the scene.

Colour Chromatic Wheel

This is where it all starts, complementary colours, triads, etc.

I set out to make winter photographs, I saw some locations that gave me the possibility to create that image with different patterns and layers that I was looking for.

After days of planning, researching and checking daily the weather and the likelihood of snow in the locations, it was time to face reality. My free time, which is basically Saturday afternoon and Sunday, did not allow me to go to the location at the time when the place was expected to be completely snowed in.

I knew that due to the temperatures and consulting the traffic cameras and other options that exist, I observed that the snow was disappearing and the photo that I had planned could no longer be taken, but it was time to decide what to do. Murphy’s law :)

I know that the image I had in mind could no longer be, unfortunately the perfect conditions were four days earlier but, it is what it is.

I am one of those people who think that getting out of the comfort zone sometimes brings surprises.

Without thinking about it, let's go!

After a 1h 20 min trip from my home, I was really excited to see the amount of compositional possibilities I had in front of me, both at ground level and from the air.

I'll be honest, the most important thing for me in those moments, apart from getting amazing and wonderful images, what I like the most is the time I spend admiring my surroundings and how wonderful it is to breathe and listen to the sounds of nature.

I am hunting for the next precipitations (snow) to be able to get those images I have in mind... do you like the idea? Do you want to see it and enjoy it with me... stay tuned!

See you soon!



One step at a time!